Manufacturer: MTG
Model: Sam Coupe
Released: 1989
Production ends: 1992
Processor: Z80B
Mhz: 6
Co-Processor: -
RAM: 512 KB, expandable to 4,5 MB
ROM: 32 KB
Operating Systems: SAM Basic in ROM
Graphic, Resolution: Graphic: 512x192, 256x192, 32x192, 32x24, Text: 85x24
Colors: 128
Sound: 6 Channel, 8 Octaves, stereo
Ports: Mouse, Joystick, RF, SCART-AV, Parallel, Audio in/out, Midi in/out, Network
Keyboard: MembranKeys, 72 Keys, QWERTY
Internal Drives: Discdrive 3,5" (up to 2 Drives internal), 800 KB
Specials: -
Accessories: ?
Sold in: ?
Launch price: ?
Sold Pieces: ?
Got own one from: -